domingo, 24 de febrero de 2013

Carnival in school 2
Last week we celebrated the carnival at school, the class dressed up as what they wanted: chonis, lmfao robot, lego, michael jackson, elvis presley ...
We did a parade with costumes and also danced the song "OPA bargain stile".
The king of the carnival every day we said we had to bring something to a story and you had to wear a garment inside out.
The last day was really fun because they made very funny jokes and dances.

sábado, 23 de febrero de 2013


I think seeing the films on TV in their original version is better.
See the movie in English, will learn the language faster.
I think it's very good to see them with subtitles, and listen in English. So we get used to the sound of the words.
By doing this, we will improve our language, and we will not have much fear of an exchange in another country.
From now on, I will try to see films in English.