Between the 19th and the 26th of March, we went on a french
language exchange to Deuville and Trouville in Normandy. We stayed with a
French family in their home.We planned to speak and do activithes with
the French family and our group.
On the night we arrived we met the French family and got to know thwm and their day to day lives.
During the following days our group visited the fishing port in
Douvolle, to the invasion beaches of Normamdy and St. Michaels Mount
(Mont St. Michel). In the evenings we went bowling with the family,
visited the town, where, we saw the casino (from the outside because we were too young to go in) and some nights we stayed in with the family.
On our last night in Normandy we said our goodbyes, to our guests,
with a big party which continued till late. In the morning we had
breakfast with them and then we met up with the rest of our group and
departed. On our last day we visited Paris and we saw there: The
Eiffel Tower, The Seine Les Invalides where the tomb of Napñoen is. Then
we returned home to Valencia.
During our exhange we conquered a number of fears, these included a
fear of flying, of strange people and strange food. My personal opinion
is that the exchange was good because I got to understand and relate to
the people, we didn´t know when we arrived. I also learnt about theie
culture and day to day life. I made new friends which i will continue to
contact in the future. All in all a fabulous experience.

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