miércoles, 10 de septiembre de 2014



I have seen the movie "The journey to the center of the earth",
I've seen that movie because I liked very much this film.
The movie is a scientist that his father was looking
for the center of the earth and never came back and
 no one believed that he found the center of the
earth and is going to shut down their mouths all
 who said his father did not I find.
The day that he been going to the travel, not remember that went
to bring his nephew                                                           ,
and they have to go looking for the center of the
will drive a few days until they see the mountain where
 there is a Cabe which is what leads them to the center.
Max's nephew find the center of the earth when
 they arrive, they see a lot of dinosaurs and the house of
 his father, alex was very happy to learn that his father
 had reached the center of the earth and could prove it
At the end of the movie have to come by because the
 Cave bolcan  because was plugged entered the tormanta
alex could come alive and tell the whole world that his
father came to the center of the earth.
 (sean)-trevor nephew 
 (Hannah)-biology and scientific
 (max)-father trevor

to me this movie I liked poreso whole life I chose to see it in English and in no time I'll see the two I've never been lucky enough to see it can be

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